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This page contains links to other web sites which you may find interesting or useful. I'm a member of both the Johnson Space Center Astronomical Society and the North Houston Astronomy Club. Both club sites are shown below. You will find links to many other sites, including members' web sites. Al Kelly, Randy Brewer, and Dick Locke are outstanding deep sky imagers, and Ed Grafton is one of the best (if not the best) planetary imager in the country. There are many others who do great imaging (and film photography) but I'm mentioning these because they have very active and frequently updated sites.
http://www.jscas.net Al Kelly's site is available through the JSCAS site, as is mine, but I'm including a direct link to Al's site because of the wealth of information contained. Al's images are great and, in addition, he is one of the real gurus of image processing. You will find much useful information to help with your processing, whether you are a beginner or an expert. This is covered in much more detail on my other site, but if you are interested in the Arp Peculiar Galaxies you will want to visit Dennis Webb's Arp's Peculiar Galaxies site. It contains tables of the brightest Arps, the entire list in Right Ascension order, and a list by constellation, as well as other useful observing information. And below is Dennis' Home page, which gives a broader view of the range of his astronomical interests. The most extensive source of data on galaxies is the NASA/IPAC Intergalactic Database, better known as NED. You can type in the name of an object, the name of a nearby object, or a position and you'll get back links to images, magnitudes, diameters, and redshifts at various wavelengths, alternate catalog designations, lists of articles, etc. http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/index.html I could go on listing a lot more links. These are just some of my favorites but I'm sure if you spend some time googling or following the large number of links on the sites above, you will find some you like even better. When you do, or if you find any errors or broken links on my site, please let me know. I'll also try to answer questions but how well I do it will depend on how many I get. You have a better chance getting an answer to a technical question. While I enjoy discussing philosophical or cosmological questions one on one, I generally won't respond to those by e-mail. It just takes too long! My e-mail is rfmjr@aol.com. I hope you enjoyed the site.
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